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Sirin AlMasri

Sirin AlMasri

Osttrakt, Keller (Keramikstudio)

Sirin AlMasri, a Syrian-born ceramicist and ceramic artist, has charted an extraordinary artistic trajectory that traverses the realms of past professional experience in Communication and Public Relations into the enchanting realm of clay and ceramics.  Her profound fascination with the inherent qualities of these materials has prompted a transformative shift, leading her to explore the intricate interplay between sculpture, glazes, and ceramics. Driven by an insatiable curiosity for the tactile essence of surface textures and materiality, AlMasri's artistic odyssey revolves around the profound relationship that exists within her passion to discover those precious Earthy materials. Her meticulous exploration delves into the depths of these mediums, uncovering their subtle nuances and intrinsic beauty. Believing deeply in the mindful practice inherent in pottery, she perceives throwing pots as a form of mindfulness—a pathway towards a heightened awareness of ourselves and our environment in the present moment. Currently based in Vienna, Sirin AlMasri is committed to further refining her craft by pursuing a master's degree in Ceramics Art and Time-Based Media. Her artistic journey embodies a dedication to pushing artistic boundaries and an unwavering commitment to captivating audiences through the transcendental language of art.

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